What to look in the Best Mammography Monitor?
A medical monitor is the most important part of equipment in digital
breast imaging. It can be called as the eyes of the radiologist. Depending on
what he or she sees on the monitor, a suitable decision is taken and inferences
are drawn. Thus, it is important to invest in this equipment after checking its
features and specifications. Some of the most critical display factors that
must be kept in the mind are-
Display and Acquisition
Before buying the best monitor, it
is important to understand the intricacies of medical imaging. A machine is
needed to get a digital breast image. This machine captures the breast image. These
machines are referred to as the imaging or acquisition systems. These create
images using a specific resolution and are available in different forms and
shapes. It is important to know about these systems as the resolution of both
the acquisition system and the display must match with each other as closely as
possible. It is the only way available for the expert radiologists to identify
and detect every image detail on the monitor.
Fewer clicks
The resolution factor in mammography monitor is
one of the key factors that help in the correct interpretation and
representation of mammograms. More is the display resolution, more are going to
be its benefits. To begin with, the radiologists will be able to see a lot of
details with greater clarity. Moreover, greater resolution helps the
radiologists with the flow of their work. Radiologists have a look at the
breast images in mammography imaging in full size. Thus, more is the vertical
resolution, it becomes easier to for the image of the whole breast on the
screen. In a regular frameless
monitor, the radiologist has to go with four steps to view every part
of the breast image at 1:1. Conversely, with a monitor with higher resolution,
only two steps are needed to study and view the same image.
Considering these issues, a suitable monitor must be considered.
Please read the original post here: https://sites.google.com/site/colorgradingmonitor/what-to-look-in-the-best-mammography-monitor
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